Carers Support Groups

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Carers Support Groups Flyde and Wyre

Register as a Carer: Carers Information Service

How Do I Become A Registered Carer? |

Carers: help and support – Citizens Advice


CARERS UNITE– Supports carers through provision of social monthly activities. Carers point telephone: 01253 362145.

RE-CONNECT- is a volunteer based scheme which can offer support to you over a period of six sessions to try and assist the carer in re-connecting with some of the things they enjoyed previous to their caring role.Carerspoint Telephone: 01253 362145.

TALKING POINT-AreDrop-in sessions that are held every three months on a rotational basis throughout the Fylde and Wyre supporting carers to have a voice and listening to carers views. Carerspoint. Telephone: 01253 362145

MAKING SPACE –Supporting people with mental health issues.

Mon/ Tues/ Wed. Mountcroft, Fleetwood
Telephone:  01253 651896
Mobile: 0784326804
Thurs and Fri Woodlands St Annes.
Telephone: 01253 651395

AGE CONCERN– working with and for all older people in Lancashire

Fylde – Telephone: 01253 783938.

Wyre – Telephone: 01253 770557

ALZHEIMERS SOCIETY – Central Lancashire and Fylde Meets on the first Wed of the month at 7.30pm Fulwood clinic, Lytham rd Fulwood Preston. Telephone: 01772 828922.

WYRE and FYLDE ADVOCACY – supports people to put their views and feelings forward to enable them to control their own lives and make informed choices. Contact 21 the square St Annes

OLDER PEOPLES FORUM – Lancashire Supporting 50 + to improve the services that they receive.

Fylde Telephone: 01253 725563 – Wyre Telephone: 01253 774123

OLDER PERSONS PARTNERSHIP – Supporting older people

Civic Centre Breck Road, Poulton. Telephone: 01253 891000

WYRE DISABILITY PARTNERSHIP – Supporting Disabled people. Civic Centre Breck Road Poulton. Telephone: 01253 891000.

CARE and REPAIR – Wyre and Fylde- A service for householders aged 60 or with a disability.  Telephone: 01253 887569.

CHAT– (carers hour in Thornton) Support and activities for carers in the Thornton area at t the Thornton Clinic Church Road, Thornton.

RELATIVES SUPPORT GROUP – For carers and relatives of people with Alzheimers / Dementia at Lytham hospital.

CHURCH RD CARERS GROUP – For carers of people using Church Road. Care Centre. Telephone: 01253 782743

COUNTRY CARERS AGE CONCERN SUPPORT – St Michaels RC Church Bonds Garstang. Telephone: 01995 606667.

Parent Carers (0 -18 years)

THE BREVERTON GROUP –Supporting Fylde families whose children have special needs. Meetings are held the first Friday of the month at the Breverton hotel 64 Orchard Rd St Annes.

 WISK (WYRE SPECIAL KIDS) – support group run by parents of children with special needs the group meets every other Thursday (Term time only) Sure start Fleetwood Children Centre. Telephone: 01253 877540

ABC SUPPORT GROUP – For children and families with Autism and Asperger syndrome. Monthly meetings.

LARKHOME LODGE PARENT CARERS GROUP- Larkholme lodge Larkholme Avenue, Fleetwood.


Fylde – Telephone: 01253 722278 / Wyre – Telephone: 01253 872644

SCHOOLS- Special Educational needs.

Pear Tree school – Station Road Kirkham, Telephone: 01772 683609

Red Marsh school – Holly Road Thornton, Cleveleys Telephone: 01253 868451

PIP – Provides support to families of children and young adults with special needs. Telephone: 01253 899883

FYLDE PARENTING FORUM– Supporting Fylde families

Oak tree Children’s Centre, St Annes. Telephone: 01253 781571

Young Carers

TIME OUT-Are Sessions Held for young carers on a fortnightly Term Time only basis in the Fylde and Wyre. Youth Crew Telephone: 01253 362145.

VOICE OUT- Are sessions Held for young carers in a structured setting for 10 weeks at a time in the Fylde and Wyre area. Youth Crew.  Telephone: 01253 362145.

YOUNG CARERS FORUM’S – held monthly in the Fylde and Wyre area for young carers to attend to let their views and idea’s be heard Youth Crew. Telephone: 01253 362145.

YOUNG CARERS- Drug line Lancashire-This service offers support to children and young people who are living with and are affected by drug misuse in the family.

CONNECT– Yong people’s health and information service.

St Annes 14 St Davids Road South

Fleetwood 132 Blackiston Street.

CONNECTIONS – Offers young people aged 13-19 Guidance advice and support.

St Annes Telephone: 01253 720948

Fleetwood Telephone: 01253 775050.

GRIP– The group intervention panel works with children and young people.